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September 26, 2020
Antiques, Furniture, Glassware, Collectibles,
Delaware State Fair Stock & More
9:00 A.M.
Location: Wilson’s Auction Sales, Inc., Route 113, Lincoln, Delaware In the “Gallery” (Red Building).
9:00 am:A selection of over 25 vintage antique lamps to include GWTW, banquet, piano, hanging, floor, marble base, china stem, nickel, brass, & others. Schofield 77 pc sterling flatware “Baltimore Rose”, oak medicine cabinet, walnut wall showcases, curio cabinets & shelves, soup tureens, cranberry glass, pink satin quilted covered jar, walnut mantle & wall clocks, Ansonia hand ptd china clock, Delaware glass, mantle lustres w/prisms, Blue Nordic china, RS Prussia, depression glass, Mary Gregory glass, candle holders, oil lamps, B&G plates, pocket & wrist watches, silver plated flatware & serving pcs, chocolate pots, teapots, hand ptd pcs to include portrait plates; biscuit jar; pitchers; plates & bowls, Local UMC church plates to include Todd’s Chapel; St Johnston; Epworth & others, McDowell & O’Bier strawberry tickets, souvenir glass, oil on canvas painting signed JA Semmel, walnut framed portraits & needlepoints, Medallic Register of the World’s Great Ships sterling silver miniatures, Erector set, assorted jewelry & coins, Wavecrest powder jar, Royal Nippon, hobnail opalescent, Nippon, Fenton, Westmoreland, Imperial, Limoges, J. Gentile paperweights, carnival glass, cobalt blue Shirley Temple glass, oil lamps, Fiesta, Pyrex, Fire-King, Royal Haeger, McCoy carriage w/parasol, salt glazed crock, shaving mirror, signed watercolor paintings & more.
Furnishings: Walnut marble top corner cabinet w/shelves, walnut Victorian sofas, settees and chairs, walnut drop leaf gate leg table, walnut needlepoint seat chairs, oak curved glass claw foot china cabinet, walnut dbl bed, walnut chests of drawers, walnut corner cabinet, drop leaf tables, several walnut marble top tables, walnut marble top chests, walnut corner whatnot shelf, walnut tall lockside chest, pr of walnut marble top half commodes, personal safe, walnut corner wall curio cabinet, mahogany five tier corner étagère, assorted wall mirrors, wicker fernery, tea cart, wicker fernery, four pc bedroom suite, corner cabinet, pine drop front desk, porcelain top table w/chairs, oak hall tree, gate leg table, Danish modern coffee & side tables, quilt stand, oak hat rack, piano stool, and more.
Lawn & Garden, Tools: JD LA145 48” riding mower, Craftsman push mower w/bagger, lawn jockey boy, wheelbarrow, lawn & garden tools Diehard battery charger, hand truck, hand tools, polishing machine, and more.
Selling At 12:00 Noon: 3 shares of Delaware State Fair Stock
PREVIEW: Friday, September 25, 2020, from 11:00 a.m. til 4:00 p.m.
Terms: Payment in full on the day of sale with cash, approved check, debit card or major credit card. 5% clerking fee on all credit card purchases. Absentee & phone bids will be accepted. No Buyer’s Premium.
Auctioneer’s Note: We are pleased to announce this important auction featuring the Estate of Jean E. & John (Jack) O’Bier, of Greenwood, Delaware. The O’Biers operated their well-known antique shop in Greenwood for 46 years, and amassed a private collection that includes some of the finest antiques on the shore. Also featuring the living Estate of Barbara H. Hamstead of Greenwood, Delaware. Announcements made day of sale supersede all printed material. Visit our web site to view select color photos of items in this auction, and more will be added as they become available.
No Buyer’s Premium. “What You Bid Is What You Pay”.
There is plenty of parking, No sales tax, and No Buyer’s Penalty.
Good Food & refreshments will be served by the Southern Grille.
** Due to COVID-19 face masks are required. **
Wilson’s Auction Sales, Inc.
Dave Wilson, Auctioneer & Sales Manager
K. Wade Wilson, Auctioneer & Customer Service Representative
(302) 422-3454 Fax (302) 422-0462 www.wilsonsauction.com
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